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Stephen Donaldson

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The Power That Preserves

Stephen Donaldson The Power That Preserves

Picture of The Power That Preserves Book Cover Book Review:

Thomas Covenant is an outcast in our world, pushed to loneliness to the edges of madness.
Suddenly he is transported to a mysterious and beautiful world, the Land where gentle people work magic and the very air and earth are healing.
But Lord Foul has plans to devastate the Land and only Thomas can stop him.

About The Power That Preserves:

  • Genre: Fantasy Series: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #3
  • Condition: Some wear to covers otherwise Good Reading Copy
  • Published by: Fontana Paperback Reprint
  • Published Date: 1985
  • ISBN: None
  • Book Weight: 245g
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Stephen Donaldson Books