All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelng William Wordsworth.(Preface to Lyrical Ballads)
A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth P B Shelley.(A Defence of Poetry 1821)
Poetry Books by the following authors Click on the pictures for more information.
Frances Astor
Pam Ayres
Some Of Me Poetry
Pam Ayres is effervescent, ready to burst with enthusiasm for life.
She enjoys the everyday things we pass over.
John Betjeman
Containing the much-maligned poem SLOUGH this book of poems has also been called a Little book of bourgeois poetry.
It also includes the poem `The Arrest of Oscar Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel'
Francis Brabazon
This is Francis Brabazon's tribute to Meher Baba who was a major influence on his life.
Raymond Carver
Fires is the best introduction to the full range and humanity of Carver`s writing.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
A collection of poetry and drama in the Everyman's Library.
Mick Delap
River Turning Tidal is a book of poems about belonging and about family and all the stresses that are implied there.
Paul Durcan
This book is Paul Duncan`s response to the invitation by the National Gallery of Ireland to write poems about the collection of paintings at the gallery.
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy was writing poetry before he started to write fiction and long after he finished with fiction.
This is a selection of his shorter poems with some notes.
David Hope
A picture and a poem for every mood.
There are very many poems by real people to warm you and to revive you.
Richard Kell
This is a collection of poetry from one of the finest poets to come out of Ireland.
William Kennedy
Humorous and astute poems and drawings by a budding author.
Temple Lane
Her second book of poems deals with such subjects as country life, living on a farm as a poor farmer, a civil servant and many more.
John Liddy
John Liddy was born in Cork but now lives in Spain.
This is one of his most renown collection of poems.
Clarinda Harriss Lott
THE NIGHT PARROT is Clarinda Harriss Lott`s second book of poetry.
Clarinda teaches writing in Towson State University in Baltimore.
She also directs and edits a small press dedicated to publishing first books by exceptional poets.
John Masefield
John Masefield is considered one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century.
This is one of his earliest poems, published first in the English Review for 1912 but reprinted in book form first here in 1913.
Ella Masson
Jealousy, desire, seduction, unrequited love, lost love, first love and last love are all covered here.
Famous and not so famous poets are featured.
Aine Miller
This collection won Aine the 1992 Patrick Kavanagh Award.
In this collection Aine manages to pick out the unusual from the very usual, making discoveries that will surprise you.
John Julius Norwich
This is a selection of rarities.
A collection of prose and poetry to warm your heart and challenge your mind.
Raymond P Phelan
Poems with a spiritual flavour.
Rathmines Writers
A collection of poetry on various subjects and an appreciation on John Betjeman.
Extended Wings 4 A collection of poems from the Rathmines Writers dealing with all manner of subjects from nature to mortice locks.
Eithne Strong
Eithne Strong writes from her experience as a woman and also of someone who is removed from the ordinariness of day to day hum drum life.
Tomas Transtromer
A Swedish poet, Transtromer has kept the feel of the country in his poems.
He retains the essence of the outside without alienating his audience
Macdara Woods
Macdara Woods iterates a world of hard realities interspersed only occasionally with brief 'consolations'.
David Wright
This is an adventure story dealing with the exploits of a Scandinavian prince.