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Jim Lynch

Picture of Jim-Lynch Jim Lynch was born in Seattle, Washington, USA on November 03, 1961.

Lynch earned degrees in English and Communications from the University of Washington and he went on to report for several newspapers in the area.

The Highest Tide is his first novel, received the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award in 2006 as well as featuring on the Richard and Judy Book Club in the UK.

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The Highest Tide

Jim Lynch The Highest Tide

Picture of The Highest Tide Cover Book Review:

Miles O'Malley is on a voyage of discovery.
While he finds treasure in the form of a giant squid, he is crestfallen at the thought of his parents divorcing, his passion for his ex-babysitter will go unrequited, and that simply that the world will change.

About The Highest Tide:

  • Genre: Fiction
  • Condition: Good Clean Copy
  • Published by: Bloomsbury Paperback Large Format
  • Published Date: 2005
  • ISBN 0747578443
  • Book Weight: 290g
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Jim Lynch Books

About Jim Lynch