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Hermann Hesse

Picture of Hermann-Hesse Hermann Hesse was born on July 2, 1877 in Cawl, now part of Germany and died on August 9, 1962 in Montagnola, Switzerland.

Hesse was a novelist, poet and a painter. In 1946 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

His most well-known works are Demian, Steppenwolf and Siddhartha.

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Hermann Hesse Steppenwolf

Picture of Steppenwolf Book Cover Book Review:

Alienated from society, Harry Haller is the Steppenwolf, wild, strange and shy.
His despair and longing for death draw him into a Faust-like underworld.
Through a series of shadowy encounters, Haller begins to rediscover the lost dreams of his youth.

About Steppenwolf:

  • Genre: Fiction Novel
  • Condition: Good Clean Copy
  • Published by: Penguin Paperback Reprint
  • Published Date: 1965
  • ISBN 0140282580
  • Book Weight: 150g
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Hermann Hesse Books

About Hermann Hesse