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Gilbert Leighton-Boyce

Gilbert Leighton-Boyce Books
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Irish Setters

Gilbert Leighton-Boyce Irish Setters

Picture of Irish Setters Book Cover Book Review:

Gilbert Leighton-Boyce received an Irish Setter puppy when he was still a schoolboy in 1929.

Since then he has had a life-long affection and devotion to this particular breed of dog.

He has become an expert in the maintenance of the dog and there is very little that he does not know about them.

Irish Setters is the gathering of Gilbert's experience with his much loved pet, and his further experience in breeding prize dogs.

Short chapters on the history of the breed of dog are followed by chapters packed with valuable information on choosing, rearing, training and breeding, with professional hints on grooming for showing.

About Irish Setters:

  • Genre: Petcare Book
  • Condition: Inscriptions on flyleaf otherwise Good Copy
  • Published by: Arthur Barker Hardback 1st Edition
  • Published Date: 1973
  • ISBN 0213164140
  • Book Weight: 250g
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Gilbert Leighton-Boyce