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Art Books

Including sections on Art History, Art Appreciation and Art Techniques.

Art History

Picture of Renaissance book cover
Renaissance by G C Argan

This book is a general account of painting during the Renaissance period relating to its historical and social background.


Picture of Irish Illuminated Manuscripts book cover
Irish Illuminated Manuscripts by James Johnson Sweeney

Plates extracted from the Book of Darrow and the Book of Kells showing examples of monumental achievement in their time.


Picture of Roman Art and Architecture book cover
Roman Art and Architecture by Mortimer Wheeler

216 illustrations, 60 of them in colour Mortimer Wheeler portrays an excellent review of the art of the Roman period.


Art Appreciation

Picture of A Fair View book cover
A Fair View by Henk J van den Berg

This is a review of Dutch painting, perhaps not by the Masters but of interest as it is intertwined with comments on Queen Beatrix and on Dutch life in general.


Picture of An Artist Abroad book cover
An Artist Abroad by James McNeill Whistler

This is a collection of Whistler's prints that were bestowed on the National Gallery of Australia through his sister-in-law after his death.


Picture of Mona Lisa book cover
Mona Lisa by Donald Sassoon

Beguiling and alluring, this work says something to everyone, more than likely something different to everyone. That is it reaches our core and brings us out.
